The infamous "Wandering Jew"
Oh I love this plant. It is so easy to care for and grows uncontrolably which makes me look like I have a "green thumb". I started out with just a few clippings from My husbands cousin in law ;o) And I put them in dirt this spring and I cannot hardly keep up with them. I think they are so pretty and will really be AMAZING next year because I can put them in a hanging basket and let them grow long. As for now I keep them clipped for a fuller look. I really recommend this plant for beginners like me. If anyone wants a start of these please let me know and I will graciously give you a start. You'll love it! Clippings can be put in water to start new plants. Indirect sunlight works best for these plants....atleast from what I have noticed. No sunlight makes the leaves lose their color.

Then there is the famous philodendron plant. Another "easy" plant that can grow beautifully. And you can cut clippings in water to grow more. Which after awhile you have to just start throwing them away because it is more than you can handle. Indirect sunlight works well for these plants.

This is my good friend Lisa's plant that I rescued. When we first started hanging out a couple years ago she came over to my house and seen my plant....and then showed me hers. Later she brought it over to my house and asked me to save it. It was sadly bearing a leaf or two. Now look at it :o) It anxiously awaits her new home :o)

I am very new to the purple heart and honestly do not know anything about them. If you do please let me know. I don't know if new clippings can start new growth or not. This is a very unique plant and I look forward to seeing what all it does.

My very first plant was the spider plant. My sister in law Kristian gave me her clippings from her "mother plant" lol and I started one and then got a different type and started another "breed" I guess you can say. I have solid green and then the green yellow and white striped. Spider plant is very easy to grow indoors in medium to bright light throughout the year. It does well with average humidity and cool to average temperature, although it can tolerate warmer conditions. Use a general-purpose potting soil or soilless medium. Plants grow and produce plantlets best when slightly pot-bound. But because they grow quickly and the roots can easily become too crowded, they need frequent repotting to do their best. I have enough clippings to start a green house from this one plant. I started cutting them and throwing them away because I just cannot keep up. If anyone wants a start on these let me know....Again I have plenty and graciously will give them to you no questions asked. I had no idea the spider plant can remove 96% of carbon monoxide under laboratory conditions. Imagine what it can do for your home.

I also love to grow fresh herbs. Basil, Oregano, Cilantro, ....Lavender....etc....However, it is hard sometimes because if you miss one day of watering they will wilt in no time and die. But it is fun and smells so good. I love to rub my fingers on the plant and then smell.....Oh man....the lavender and mint are my favorites.
Well, I guess I have talked enough about indoor plants. I talked last time about my tomatoes and jalepenos....and all the outdoor plants I started. SO I will just post pictures of them.

Another Picture of my Dahilas

Red Dahlia

My Yellow Gladiola

My purple galdiola

Grandma Allen's Castra Beans :o) She gave me a start last year and now they are BOOMING. These are posionous if eaten....so don't eatem. ;o)

Orange Gladiola

My Elephant Ears! Now these are cool. Next year I need to do a better job placing them.
I didn't get any pictures of the potato vine....but I just read it really isn't potato vine....so I am confused as to what it is. They said it is in the morning glory family...But it looks like potato vine....purple leaves and then there are green leaves....hmmmmm
I am always up for advice on planting. I really don't know much with the outdoor stuff. Indoor I am getting better at. Anyhow....Again let me know if anyone needs some starters.
very pretty plants.
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