I just cannot wrap my mind around how something so beautiful can put off such smelly B.O. This has been an issue for quite sometime now. For as long as I can remember Chloe has had this issue with sweaty hands and feet. Her feet and hands get so hot (FIRE HOT) and sweat a river thru her pores. When she was a baby baby it didn't cause the smelling issue, but by the time she became 3 it was an issue. I can walk into my son's room and it be smelling like fruits and perfumes "lol" but I walk into her room and it smells like a guys sweaty locker room. It really is embarrassing to have people walk into her room cause its so noticable.
Her poor feet look so bad because they peel contantly from being wet....I am having to really watch my reaction and what I say about her feet and hands because if I say anything now she says "mommy I know...this hurts my feelings". Awwww this just makes me want to cry. I am going to set an appointment up with the Doctor and find out our options. I mentioned it to him a couple years ago and he said it was an overactive sweat gland. This is an issue even when she wears flip flops or just walks around the house. It is not from her feet not getting air circulation.
I have been given some advice from a few that I need to take but I really don't see it helping. Her feet sweat NON STOP! Her bed smells from her sweating....I just don't know what this poor girl is going to do. Like her and Noah say...."Mom we need to pray for Chloe's sweaty feet" I think that is an option we need to take...
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