For the past several weeks, I have had a few things on my heart but not sure how to express it. I always hesitate on sharing sometimes, because I don't want to offend people, or get useless debates going that only hurt people instead of encouraging. Does that make sense? But at the same time, I don't want to offend God and have Him say "Why didn't you share that with others" or have that one person it makes sense to, and answers a question they had, or makes them feel that there is someone else out there feeling the same way they do. In that case, I am going to share in hope that there is possibly someone out there other than me, that understands where i am coming from. And anyone and everyone that knows me personally...I mean really truly knows me, knows where my heart is in sharing this.
I don't know if anyone else is aware of the spirtual warfare the church is facing. Division in the body of Christ. Offenses, hurt, anger, resentment, gossip, slandering, negative motives...the list can go on. I am not just speaking of the church I attend, but the church body in whole.
As a follower of Christ, what is our main objective? Some may jump to "Live like a Christian"! Yes, we most defintely should live like a Christian, and that is the sign that we truly know Christ. By following His commands. But how many of us live out EVERY command Christ gave? (1John 1:10, 2:4-6) How amazing it would be if we could. But living like a Christian is not our main objective. Furthering the kingdom of God is a Christian's main object. So how do we do that? (Matthew 28:19) Preaching the gospel of Christ. Yes! Loving others, reaching out to the lost, giving ourselves to others. All this is so true. But in order for this to be effective and possible, what has to happen first? What happens when we draw in the lost. We reach out to the woman who has been selling herself to make ends meet, in order to raise her 4 kids she has at home. Or the rebellious teenager who is going down a path that leads to death or the person who at one time was a part of a church but went astray. The teen who has abusive parents....What happens when we draw them in and they see all these "church people" slandering, arguing, hating, gossiping, pointing fingers at each other, causing useless debates, stirring up division and arguments. Why would they even want to be a part of that?
I am in no way writing this to point out any individual but MYSELF! So, those of you who may be thinking "aw man is she talking about me"....NO! Although, I would ask you, to reflect for a moment and see if there is anything you might be doing to hinder growth. I have noticed, if I am not open to teaching or being held accountable, I become arrogant. That is the last thing I want. The best thing any Christian can have, is a "teachable" spirit. I am yet to be able to put down that guard I hold so tightly to when someone points out that "thing" I did that contradicts my (our) faith. It STINGS! (Proverbs 27:5-6) An open rebuke is better than hidden love, wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. What better way to show me you love me, than to love me enough to show me where I am messing up. There is a way to hold each other accountable in love, and it not be a judgemental attack. But oh how I can sometimes get defensive and take it so. Am I rambling? I feel like I am. This stuff is just weighing on me and if I don't let it loose, it will keep growing.
My main point here...is I am seriously concerned with the damage the church body is causing to further the kingdom. I have been convicted about constantly referring to those "hypocritical christian's" in the church. Which there are and I hate the sin NOT THEM! It is painful to see people puff themselves up about being a Christian (Believing in Jesus and God), giving to the poor, going to Church, but have no intention of following all of His commandments if it means they have to give up the things they find fun or not harmful to them instead of thinking of those they are causing to stumble. I mean come on, its their fault if it offends them, right? Their problem, not mine! Not so much (1 Corinthians 8:9). Pastor Roy made a comment awhile back ago telling me that I can speak truth, but if it causes someone to stumble, the very word of God can be used sinfully. Talk about a blow to my face, but in a good way. I don't think we should talk about the hypocrites in the church We should talk to them. Stop ranting about "Those Supposed Christians" What makes us different than the hypocrite if we are slandering them for being a hypocrite which at times I myself am guilty of contradicting what Christ taught me. Am I making sense? We should go to those people, but remember at the same time, we have been a hypocrite too. But I have to make sure I am holding myself accountable and open to that "open rebuke".(Romans 2:1) So don't go in a condeming way. Go with a humble, meek, loving, compassionate way. THIS IS POSSIBLE. God knows your intentions and where your heart is when holding someone accountable. (1Corinthians 4:5) Remember that! I know there are appropriate times when God tells us to steer clear of those who continue to live in sin and have no desire to follow Gods commands (but say they are Christian) But even with them....STOP PUBLIC SLANDER it damages the body and our witness. STOP STOP STOP! I have noticed to be effective you should be open about your own struggles and showing others that you run short with God as well. Nobody likes feeling they can't be as spiritual as some. I find that a ploy of Satan, to cause us to stumble and fall, because we will never be those "true christians". Ok, my main point "Be compassionate! Stop the public slandering. It damages our witness. Stop judging the hypocrites. Remember that NONE of us live up to all the commandments our Savior showed us and taught us. I may struggle with forgiveness, but does that mean I shouldn't continue to strive and tell others this is the way. Of course not. Living like a "Christian" is a life long learning process. I have to be careful not to look at the "hypocritical" Chritians judgemental....because God will judge me to that very same standard. This thought scares me.
The body has to be unified. We have to have nothing but compassion, self sacrifical love, patients, holding no record of wrong, no irritablity, smypathetic suffering. Love, never loses hope...so don't lose hope with those who struggle in the body. If you don't have love...your profession to be "Christian" means nothing. They are just meaningless words. Our greatest passion in life should be seeing those who come to know the Lord. Everything else comes after. A Unified body will succeed and produce MUCH fruit in this area. Love each other guys. I know this so hard at times. Don't feel condemned when you find this hard. Its ok.
BE UNIFIED! So He can be Glorified, thru us. God has so much planned for us. I have the power thru Christ to build the church. It starts with me individually! I can make a MASSIVE CHANGE and increase the kingdom.
I have so much more to say but I am afraid I have written too much. I spent last weekend in Springfield, Mo at a conference at James River Assembly. There was a speaker Charlotte Gambil. She shared words that feed into this topic that really made me realize the fallen part of my walk with Christ. I am going to write about this in a different blog. I hope you read it because if you are like me....it will increase your faith, help you to grow, and let go of a lot of hurt you have been clinging to for so long. I think the body is suffering because we hold so much hurt and offense.
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