I am completely heart broken reading this. Is anyone else mourning this whole ordeal. Ray has written some of the most inspirational music of all time. I really have had a burden to pray for this man and his family. I honestly don't understand how someone who has been able to inspire and write music like he has, and then turn around completely turn away.
This is a quote from Ray in a magazine article.
Id denied it ever since I was a kid," Boltz, 55, told the magazine. "I became a Christian, I thought that was the way to deal with this and I prayed hard and tried for 30-some years and then at the end, I was just going, Im still gay. I know I am. And I just got to the place where I couldn't take it anymore when I was going through all this darkness, I thought, Just end this.
But those who obey God's Word TRULY show how completely they love Him. That is how we know we are living in Him. 1 John 2:5-6
Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith and will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. These people are hypocrites and liars and their conscience are dead! 1Timothy 4:1-2
This is a clear example of what Paul was talking about ....
Ray has turned from the truth to follow the sin that entices him and makes him feel good. The contentment he is feeling is not coming from God. We as Christian's still need live accordingly and pray without ceasing with this. Ray seems pretty confident but I still have faith God can bust down his wall of pride. But unfortunately those who have once tasted the Lord's goodness and still walk away...It is hard for them to ever come back. Pray people pray!
Calling Ray out on his choice of homosexuality I can agree is judging him. But not the type of judgement of condeming him. He is professing to be a follower of Christ but giving the ok to be gay. We are called to judge believers and hold each other accountable. Ray is totally in the wrong and scripture calls him on it....You will never see me holding up discriminating signs saying God hates fags....I feel like anyone who does that is not reflecting Christ and the love He shared. They stand themselves in their own judgement. I do believe we have an obligation to stand firm on this moral issue, but can do so in a loving matter. I do hurt for Ray that he gave into the temptaion of sin. FYI we have no obligation in judging those who are homosexuals and do not claim Christ in their life. We are not to judge unbelivers or hold them accountable. I just cannot sit back and let people "Praise The Name Of Jesus" and be pro`homosexual.
Father God, I pray for Mr. Boltz. He was a man created in your very image and how this must crush your heart to see what has happened. Father I lift him up and his family. Holy spirit you are the only one who can speak to Him and draw him back to You. FAther soften His heart and speak nothing but absoulute truth to Him. I bind Satan in the name of Jesus Christ....so that next time Ray opens his Bible he will see nothing but Truth and that His sin will be exposed and He will run to you for redemption. We cannot serve 2 masters Father. Oh Lord I thank You and I praise you for how forgiving and loving You are and that there is nothing we cannot be forgiven for. Father, I ask that you burden every Christian's heart to pray for this man....as if he were our own family member and as Jesus who stands at Your right hand is praying right now! Father God, I ask this in your Son's name.
I heard about that a couple months ago. I'm not sure when that all took place, but I guess it was a while ago. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteI just get teared up over this issue cause so many people can be easily decieved over this matter. Its not in anyway discriminating against the individual. Its the act itself discriminating against God. It's one sin that can easily be warped into being ok.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of this man before ....howver it is always sad when we see those in Christ "exchange the truth of God for a lie."