Good byes are never easy...I held Daniel tonight and during that last moment...I got a glimpse of what it must feel like for my dad everytime he sees a picture of my kids or leaves my kids after a visit. It really was a heart wrenching feeling. My kids are older now and grow stronger attachements to Dad and Monika...it gets harder and harder for them to say goodbye. As their mom it hurts because I know they long for that relationship they have with their Gee Gee and Nana. Noah, a 5 year old little boy cried because he knew Opa had to leave. The next time I see Daniel, he will be walking and talking. lol however I still won't understand him lol cause it will be in German lol! We just have no idea what we take for granted everyday. We have annoying parents that say hurtful things or do hurtful things...siblings that ride under your every nerve. Go a couple years without getting to see them, or spend birthdays, Christmas', Easter's, thru a phone call or miss out on those special "first" moments. You never know what you are missing out on until you have no choice and have to miss out on it....and can I let you know....It hurts my heart in everyway you can possibly think of. My dad just can't come to one of the kids school programs, or t ball games. He can't be there for birthday parties, and christmas' or have those weekends of just him and the grand kids....He misses out on so much and has to live these moments thru a computer screen or picture. Embrace your family and love them thru their flaws and weak points. Count your blessings that you don't have to live your family moments thru emails, photos and web cam :o(
Just a side note. When I was teaching my greatneice how to say great grandma versus grandma, I had shortened it down for her and said it really slow and she ended up calling great grandma gee gee. She is five and still calls her gee gee. That's what happens i guess when you teach baby talk to babies, she was so smart she probably could of said great grandma after all!!!! Just saw gee gee in your blog and thought id share a cute funny.