Nothing melts a mother's heart more than seeing their child love and worship their Creator! When I am driving down the road listening to worship music and can hear my 2 oldest praising God with their sweet little voices...I thank God for making their hearts so tender towards Him at such a young age. The past couple months I have noticed Noah's desire to memorize scripture. My 5 year old hiding the word of God in his heart just makes me want to stand on a mountain top and thank God! It helps so much sending him to a Christian preschool. Where he is taught the ways of Christ. When he starts kindergarten he will be taught everything but.
His first memory verse was Revelation 3:20 I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice, I will come in and eat with him and they with me. Then there is Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples through out the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I have been working with Him and myself memorizing Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. It is so cute listening to him try to even pronounce some of these words.
My prayer is that Rusty and I will always reflect our passion and love for Christ. That my kids from the earliest age learn His ways, and be drawn to love and serve Him with everything inside of them.
My daughter Selah who is 18 months just recently started shushing us so we could pray at dinner/bed time. Then she reaches out her hands and we pray. Then in her baby gibberish she says amen after mom and dad do. I pray all the time that God would soften her heart to accept the Gospel.
ReplyDeleteAnyway from your post it seems like you have concerns about your future kindergartner next year. I highly recommend you read "Going Public" by David and Kelli Pritchard. They're husband and wife with 8 kids , a christian family who talk about their experiences with putting their kids through public school. I think it really may encourage you that it can be done. Not just passing through but character can be built and kids can thrive.
Thank you Justin ;o) I believe public school is definitely our route. My husband and I are not advocates for home schooling but highly respect those who choose to do so. I will look into that book. I am a little nervous with public school. Not because they don't teach the ways of Christ....that is my husband and I's job! But for instance...My daughter's kindergarten teacher lost her husband this year to a tragic accident. A real young couple with 2 babies. Chloe brought before the class that we should pray for the teacher (such a sweet heart) and they told her we aren't allowed to pray at school....That stuff just kills me! She wanted to take her teachers pain before the Lord and they said no not here....go home and pray! But we stayed on top of it and made sure we encouraged her and defintely asked God to continue giving her a heart that sought God constantly for everything!
ReplyDeleteThat's a wonderful testimony! Your daughter sounds like an amazing little girl. It sounds like you taught her an awesome life lesson.That regardless of what rules were, you didn't stop praying or encouraging. You didn't cower in faith but respectfully went another route to be overt. = )