Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pride vs Teachable

Lately I have been pondering over the importance of being a teachable person. Not that you should just be open to anything from anyone. Scripture tells us to test everything we hear meaning compare it to scripture...But as Christian's....those who claim to belong to Christ....who are not open to being taught or encouraged in their faith. It almost makes it impossible to grow. Everyone wants to voice their "opinion" forgetting that our opinions have never mattered to begin with...We are supposed to be giving people Jesus and just Jesus! No opinions included.

I have been reading in proverbs this evening...(insomnia can be a blessing in disquise). The word pride appears quite a bit I have noticed. There was a verse in chapter 13 verse 10 that says Pride leads to conflict, but those who take advice are wise. It just spoke to me that I really need to be open to those who have a word of wisdom and those who are trying to hold me accountable as the Christan (woman of God) I claim to be. Shortly before this verse in chapter 12: verse 15 thru 18 it says that fools think their own way is right but wise people listen to others...a fool is quick tempered but a wise person stays calm when insulted. I have never considered myself a person with anger issues...but have really been convicted thru these verses. When I feel attacked I immedietly go into this MASSIVE defense mode. I cannot explain it. Even if I may be right and being insulted for it....or if I am wrong...If I feel attacked...I get extremely defensive.

Is it possible for a believer to be considered foolish in God's eyes? Is my pride stirring up conflict or am I using words that bring healing? Am I causing division with my opinions? Am I open to hearing a wise word from a friend? Am I hurting others when I voice opinions rather than wise words? This is so much to soak up.

I won't lie, I have had people call me out in my moments of lacking compassion or being childish. It's painful to swallow. But do I want to really please God and grow in my faith or do I want to constanly be in a defensive mode and be too prideful to allow a friend to give me advice that will give me that extra boost to walk my path straight?

The thought of me being prideful really is something that makes me feel embarrassed. I am always open to healty discussions but when it is about something that God considers worthless discussion and just makes people angry I just don't want to be a apart of it....but why do those debates seem to suck me in? Agh...I have noticed in the body of Christ nobody wants their fruit inspected or judged....but why would Christ have told us to judge believers and not non believers? Is there a such thing as healthy judging? A way to do it in love? Because what I may see and feel as completely out of love....may not seem innocent to the one I am calling out. No matter how painful it is...I want to held accountable. I want to grow in my faith even if it hurts. I love Christ enough to be open and teachable by those who may be wiser than I am. I don't want to be arrogant.

Father, help me to set aside my opinions and only desire You and share You with others. Help me to have the same grace towards ALL as You have for me. Give me a spirit that is teachable and able to discern wisely what is from You and what is false. Give me a spirit of compassion for all and remove any tid bit of pride I have that hinders me from learning more about You and showing and reflecting to others Christ who dwells within me. Give me Christian friends who love me enough to hold me accountable...and help me not to get defensive and to be open to learning.

1 comment:

  1. "Is there a such thing as healthy judging? A way to do it in love?"

    We know judging from a stand point of "we're better than you because" is wrong. But judging from a point of God's truth is right on. That includes speaking the truth in love. To often I have spoken the truth with nails and killed a witness or hurt feelings. Anyway really enjoy the self review in the post.
